The General Secretary of the FICC, Julio Lamana, attended the Festival International de cinéma amateur de Kelibia (FIFAK) (Tunisia). Discussions have begun to have a jury Don Quijote next year and the possibility of incorporating some of the festival films in the cineclubist catalog CINESUD.
We have the support of the Fédération Tunisienne des Ciné-clubs, the film festival FIFAK, and the Fédération Tunisienne des cineastes amateurs.
Julio Lamaña was in the internacional jury with the egiptian producer Marianne Khoury, Cameroun filmmaker Mansour Sora Wade, the photographer and filmmaker Ouled Daoud Sayed from Morocco and Sleh Dhaoui from Tunisia.
Pour éviter de naviguer à perte vue sur la question du développement mais surtout traiter de la question la jeunesse et de son employabilité, une chose assez simple nous vient à l’esprit: si la jeunesse assume aujourd’hui l’entière responsabilité de son avenir elle donnera à l’histoire la preuve qu’elle est l’acteur et le garant de son propre succès .Nul doute donc sur la pérennisation de son labeur.
Mesdames et Messieurs
Comment est-ce donc possible dans un contexte socio politique qui ne favorise pas l’éclosion de la fibre intellectuelle et ou d’un leadership, que la jeunesse puisse s’exprimer ? Me dira-t-on. Cette interrogation complexe trouve pourtant sa réponse dans le Moi de chaque acteur. Un des freins au développement de l’Afrique et qui constitue un éteignoir d’ardeur pour nombre de jeunes en l’occurrence ceux de mon pays, c’est cette incapacité de s’assumer : s’assumer devant les actes , prendre des décisions qui touchent leur vie sans en être influencés .Une cure psychologique mérite d’être portée sur la jeunesse afin qu’elle s’aperçoive de son potentiel inestimable et agisse enfin pour un avenir des plus radieux-son avenir à elle- Je fais donc mienne cette pensée de Cheick Anta Diop lorsqu’il disait :
« En tout jeune africain dort un bâtisseur de la nation qu’une bonne éducation doit réveiller ».Ainsi nous nous accordons sur le principe que la jeunesse « fer de lance de nos nations » a de la matière à revendre et ce, pas des moindres.Alors cette même jeunesse doit rompre d’avec les sentiers du chômage, de la délinquance de l’incivisme, de la drogue, de l’alcoolisme, du tabagisme pour n’en citer que ces quelques maux.
Pour ce faire un impératif s’impose à nous : se former et encore se former .Malheureusement ici encore la question de formation pose problème dans nos Etats Africains et singulièrement ceux de l’Afrique de l’Ouest : quand elles sont publiques (écoles et universités) les scolarités sont abordables mais le laisser-aller et le laisser-faire deviennent les maitre-mots. Cela c’est lorsque l’on fait fie de possibilité de faire deux années en étant dans la même situation académique (l’université de Ouagadougou en est un cas illustratif).Les jeunes prendront sans ambages ces situations et nombre d’entre eux verront l’arrêt de leur cursus académique .Pourtant c’est
« Là où s’abat le découragement que s’élève la victoire des persévérants » dixit thomas SANKARA. C’est pourquoi avant de m’attaquer aux dirigeants je tiens par lever ma voix pour dire a la jeunesse que personne fut-elle physique ou morale-ne doit lui hôter la joie de jouir du fruit de son labeur .Mais cela est sous-tendu par l’effort individuel auquel s’adjoignent les contributions collectives .Surtout, il faut que la condescendance soit proscrite dans la mentalité de ceux qui se seraient malgré tout hissés au sommet de la connaissance .En rappel,
« Les légumes tant qu’ils sont verts grossissent. Mais ils commencent à pourrir dès qu’ils sont mûrs » A travers cette collation mentale Zig ziglar attire notre attention sur le danger que nous encourons si pour quelques raisons qu’elles soient nous , jeunes renonçons à la formation et à l’apprentissage dans tous les domaines .Le chemin sera certes long , les dirigeants constitueront des embuches ; la corruption et le favoritisme fera rage et les politiques d’éducation ne seront pas en adéquation avec les perspectives de développement, etc.Mais il faut que la jeunesse se forme bien plus si elle veut être au rendez-vous des leaders . C’en est bien le prix .D’ailleurs Zig ziglar ne partage pas mon point de vue car pour lui « On ne paie pas le prix du succès mais on en jouit » Ce, dans son livre intitulé RENDEZ-VOUS AU SOMMET.
Mesdames et Messieurs les délégués des pays membres de la CEDEAO, ce forum de BAMAKO doit en mon sens poser les jalons d’un véritable développement ; lequel développement aura pour ossature sa jeunesse que nous sommes .C’est pourquoi nous devons sans crainte aucune, exhumer au cours des ateliers notre part de responsabilité et d’en tirer des conséquences.
Mesdames et Messieurs, acceptons d’investir dès aujourd’hui dans les mentalités des jeunes, donnons-leur le gout du risque et seuls ils entreprendront et tous nous récolterons les fruits. Il n’en demeure cependant pas moins que les gouvernements doivent eux aussi jouer leur part de responsabilité en sachant repérer et passer au peigne fin les priorités. A cela s’ajoute la nécessité pour nos chefs d’Etats d’accélérer la révision des programmes et curculats pour une adéquation entre l’enseignement –le développement- et l’emploi de la jeunesse .
Comment passer sous silence l’ultime nécessité de prendre des décisions .Que dire alors du suivi-évaluation des projets et de la prise de sanctions drastiques à l’endroit de ceux qui illicitement s’enrichiraient ?Aussi devront-ils faire la part des choses entre la gestion des affaires de l’Etat et l’enrôlement de la jeunesse dans un jeu politique dont elle ne maitrise pas toujours les sinuosités à des fins peu utilitaires. Cet état des choses ne fait qu’alimenter toutes ces crises, ces conflits et pouvant parfois se muer en des génocides .Sachant le rôle prépondérant de la jeunesse tant pour le processus de développement aussi bien que sa capacité de nuisance si elle est endoctrinée, il est d’un impératif notoire de soutenir les UNIVERSITES DE LA VIE QUE SONT LES ORGANISATIONS DE LA SOCIETE CIVILES ET LES DIFFERENTES ASSOCIATION QUI PLACENT AU CŒUR SON ACTION LA JEUNESSE ET LUI DONNE TOUT SON SENS.
Mesdames et Messieurs , cette politique « donner à la jeunesse une raison d’exister , de participer et au processus de développement» peut être mise en place et doit être mise en place .Et cela par le truchement de structure éprise d’un changement positif au bénéfice de la jeunesse à l’image du FOSCAO qui nous réunis , de la CEDEAO , de la Fédération burkinabé des ciné clubs FBCC ainsi que toutes les autres structures ici présentes. Une chose est certaine le cinéma et l’audiovisuel sont des puissants moyens pour assoir l’hégémonie d’une nation .Elle peut à contrario être la braise qui enfume, étouffe, étreint et embrase. Nécessité est donc qu’usage soit fait comme s’en est le cas avec les ciné débats qu’organise la FBCC afin de sensibiliser et de former la jeunesse à une culture d’auto prise en charge ; à participer à la gestion de la chose publique et surtout à jouer pleinement sa part de responsabilité dans l’érection et l’édification de nations fortes et puissantes avec des jeunes comme la lumière étincelante qui dans l’obscurité de la nuit la plus profonde partage de sa lumière
J’espère mesdames et messieurs que chacun de nous aura cette infime dose qui distingue les savants orgueilleux des apprenants soucieux : j’ai nommé l’auto médication mentale ou le questionnement de sa propre personne. Je vous remercie
Forum des Organisations de la Société Civile de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (FOSCAO)
Rencontre sur la Jeunesse et l’emploi en Afrique de l’Ouest Bamako, 24 et 25 avril 2014
Par L. Casimir YAMEOGO
Secrétaire Général de la Fédération burkinabé des cinéclubs FBCC
Secrétaire Général Adjoint du Groupe Afrique/ Fédération Internationale des cinéclubs FBCC

Report by Øystein Egge (Norway)
NFK, Lillehammer Filmsociety
After a couple of hours on a plane and the same in an airconditioned buss, courtesy of Locarno Film Festival I arrived at the festival office, I got my accreditation, hotel information and the traditional goodie bag. A couple hours later I found myself at the breathtaking (at least for a cinephile as myself) Piazza Grande, an outdoors cinema with seats for 8000 movie hungry spectators. The glamour factor was instantaneously and the combination was hilarious, Luc Besson and JeanPierre Léaud on the same stage. Heavyweighters in their own right.
Unfortunately for me the ceremony was in French and Italian, so all I could do was to guess what glorious phrases was uttered (a course in French is in my todo list). I was quick to learn that The Piazza Grande screen was impressive in more ways than size; the picture was crystal sharp and made the tourdeforce of pop references Lucy (2014) a dear and special experience.
The jury duty started the next day, with La Princesa de Francia by Mattias Pinhero and the heavyhitter Mula sa kung ano ang noon by Lav Diaz (From What is Before, 2014). I was both excited and, to be honest, a bit nervous to be judging a 5 hour 45 minutes feature my first day as a jurymember, but the experience was a strongly rewarding one (the film won our Don Quijote prize, and basically every other prize at the festival, including best feature by the official jury (The Golden Leopard)). Our schedule was easy to conform to, a film at 14:00 and one at 16:30 every day. But with the diversity of films screening this year it was somewhat a challenge to have such a short interval between the movies, we didn’t really get the chance to discuss or let the films from 14:00 set before the next one. To take notes quickly became a must.
The competition program this year, as mentioned, was vast, both in quality and in themes. But I must admit the quality was high throughout, and the program reflected a drive to be daring in its selections. To screen the lengthy Lav Diaz film is in itself a feat, even though Diaz has become more of a household name in the last years. The program also featured the newest feature of Pedro Costa, a close friend and colleague in the «slow cinema» wave with Diaz. Other notable directors were Eugéne Green, Martin Rejtman, Yury Bykov and Alex Ross Perry as far as my preknowledge goes. Bykov and Costa got our honorable mentions this year, two solid features in completely different ways.
The festival had a fantastic retrospective about the Italian production company Titanus, and I had the pleasure of catching a few of the films after our daily duty. The festival also catered films from the juries, with names such as Connie Nielsen, Rutger Hauer, Gianfranco Rosi, Diao Yinan and more. The festival also included a shortfilm competition, a new director’s competition, qna’s and a diversity of happenings all throughout the festival.
A great thing about the Locarno festival is the ability to meet some of the huge and important names of filmhistory. I myself got to meet Agnes Varda, Rutger Hauer, Pedro Costa, Lav Diaz, Jonathan Pryce and Garret Brown (the inventor of steadicam, which also had a marvelous master class) to name a few. The wall between the audience and the stars was basically non-existent, a gem for a cinephile. So: the possibility to meet your idols, watch fantastic movies and eat great food is great plusses for the festival. But, of course, nothing’s for free, and that’s one of the downsides to the festival: it’s pretty expensive, even to me from Norway. I would (being a student) most certainly not be able to attend the festival if it wasn’t for the support I got from both the festival and my national film society federation (NFK). Another mention for the minus is that there was some lack of planning and organizing on the behalf of our independent jury, I missed some scheduling from the festival to make us feel as special as a jury should feel. For example the FEVI screening hall had something like 40 comfort seats reserved for the main juries. The seats never filled up, and would have been good for our, at times tiring work and behinds. It felt at times a little clinic and hasty and it was very clear that we were a secondary jury. But all in all the festival was a great experience seeing that it is the movies it is all about.

Don Quijote Award granted by the sensitive portray of the struggle for self-improvement in search of a common goal and for the excellent performance portrayed on screen to: “Las Analfabetas” (Chile, 73 ́, 2013) Dir. Moisés Sepúlveda.
Fernando Henriquez, Uruguay.
8/16 August 2014
This was the second Don Quixote Award in Gramado, quiet and hospitable city with a Central European accent and of a stunning beauty, perched on the mountains near the city of Porto Alegre in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Never before I had the opportunity to be in a film festival with the fame and prestige as this one.
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the festival itself and the organizing staff was always attentive to everything that may arise during the event trying to solve with efficiency and dedication everything that could be solved. The professionalism of the people who work for this festival is worthy of awe.
The accommodation and food were excellent and everything was coordinated in the best way possible and this made me feel comfortable and very relaxed to fulfil my duty. I learned a lot from my own colleagues of the jury; I learned from the vast experience of the host Member; Luiz Alberto Cassol from Brazil who always tried to put a note of equanimity with his accurate and profound contributions despite his stressful job as an official jury for the Brazilian Film competition ; Mauricio Gomez from Argentina also provided valuable and qualified points of view in the works evaluated together with a strong analytical skill and a good dose of humor which was always welcome.
The decision on the winning film was not as easy to take as the five Latin American films in competition all had a high level of quality, namely: Hernán Guerschuny’s The Critic (Critics Award) and Some days without Music by Matías Rojo both from Argentina , Slave of God directed by Joel Novoa from Venezuela (audience Award), The place of the Son by Manuel Nieto, Uruguay to obtain the prize for best film, best screenplay and best male performance by Latin American official jury and The illiterates directed by Chilean Moses Sepulveda to obtain the prize for best director, best actress and photography according to the official jury of the festival.
Our Don Quixote Award went to the Chilean film The Illiterates by taking into consideration not only the aesthetic qualities and the flawless performance reflected on it and an its precise direction but also for its contribution to the ideals of self-improvement and dedication to the others evidenced which perfectly match with the philosophy in delivering our award.Finally I just would like to express a very sincere gratitude to the curators of the festival, the Townhall of Gramado and all those, anonymous workers, who helped to give the best of themselves to keep the tradition and prestige gained throughout its 42 years of existence of this Gramado Film Festival. For the above expressed I believe that this was an experience that helped to enrich my film culture but not only that; also my experience as a human being.-

Report of FICC Jury about DON QUIJOTE Prize to Film Wieczne swiatto (Lux Aeterna).
Language French/English subtitles.
Name of the Director Carlos Tribino Mamby.
Country Colombia.
Year of production 2013.
Length 16’
FICC Jury awarded to DON QUIJOTE Prize to Lux Aeterna after delebrations lasted nearly 5 hours. Different films were considered for this prize by each jury as per personal opinion. Contradictory views were expressed about different films. Most of the time only two juries expressed common views about one film. Not a single time all the three juries agreed for a single title. Even the idea of giving prize to a movie by 2 to 1 verdict. Most of the time discussion could not yield common view this is because everyone has a right to his point of view. In the end common idea emerged in favour of Lux Aeterna.
This film was described as a powerful film based on a true story about an old couple. Lux Aeterna left a powerful impact on the mind of all the juries.
The story is about an old couple in advanced age group living in a isolated area on the mountains. Nobody else lived around. Their only son left them on their own fate and disappeared.
Old couple were always struggling with old age sickness, hardly anything was available to eat and ultimately waiting for death to come. The lady started collecting wood from the forest as it will be needed for funeral in case of death which was expected any time. They came when women died and husband used the wood for funeral of the wife after rolling her dead body on the ground which was a few feet down the bed on one side. Ultimately the man was waiting for his turn to die not knowing as when and who will perform his last rites.
It was good work of the director, photographer, editor and everybody concerned with film making.
Because of long delevrations when went on for a long time there was no seriousness for considering any other film for giving second/third consolation prize to any other film.
As regards Krakow film festival I would call it a very well organized film festival which is going on for last 54 years. Excellent arrangements were made for organizing this film festival. All the ceremony were perfect. All the staff members including chairman, director, programme director were highly committed and friendly. Hospitality part was take in care off excellently.
In the end festival is a good encouragement for young people to start with cinema making and other related activity and a good platform for film societies and non-profit cinemas.
Dated- 2 July 2014
Tapesh Sharma
The FICC Jury was consisted of: Jan Jankowiak – Chairman (Poland), Tea Gabidzashvili (Georgia), Tapesh Sharma (India).

Executive Committee 2013-2015
Cultural President
Luce Vigo – France
Claudino de Jesus – Brasil
Golam Rabbany Biplob – Bangladesh
Secretary General
Julio Lamaña – Catalonia – Spain
Ramzi Laamouri – Tunisia-
e-mail :
Amina Saibari – Morocco-
Rajesh Gongaju – Nepal
André Viane – Portugal
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Cristina Marchese – Argentina
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Maeve Cooke – Ireland
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Robert Richter – Switzerland
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Ryan Michael Reynolds – New Zealand
Kim Brunn – Denmark
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Gabriel Rodriguez – Mexico
Joao Paulo Macedo – Portugal
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Atle Hunnes Isaksen – Norway
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