Divendres 31 Juliol 2015
Us fem arribar una proposta de la Federació internacional de cineclubs per tal podeu sumar-vos, si voleu, al premi SHNIT. Si esteu interesats en participar, escriviu-nos un mail
To all member federations of FICC / IFFS
Dear colleagues,
The Executive Committee of FICC / IFFS accepted a proposal from its member Robert Richter to inform you about the offer of the international short film festival “shnit” based in Bern, Switzerland (the “shnit” festival is a member of the Swiss federation Cinélibre).This offer concerns one of the competitive programmes of the “shnit” festival 2015, the“shnit CINEMAS SELECTION”, a programme of 7 to 8 short films. The intention of the “shnit” festival is to offer this programme to film societies and non profit cinemas around the world for an unlimited number of screenings between 7 and 18 October 2015.
We agreed on an experimental partnership between FICC / IFFS and “shnit” for this year’s edition.We kindly ask you to consider this interesting offer
(you will find all details in this pdf) and to inform your member film societies and cinemas as soon as possible. If you and your members are interested in this offer, we kindly ask you to contact Nina Bühlmann of the festival at contact@cinemas.shnit.org. Nina can also provide you with a link to preview this year’s selection. Our idea is that each federation of film societies interested in this offer negotiates and coordinates all details for the screenings in the corresponding country directly with the festival.
When you contact the “shnit” festival, please add that you received the information about this offer from FICC / IFFS.
We hope that this offer will be of value for your activities.
Best regards
IFFS – FICC Ex. Committee